Thursday, September 29, 2011

Question and Answers For the Newbie-Koi and Koi Pond Eenthusiast

Koi Man

Question: In an effort to save electric costs; can I cut down on running UV light- How many hours per day do I have to run the UV to be effective?

Answer: How many Koi are you willing to lose-the UV should run 24/7-Remember UV light was designed to kill bacteria- If you slow down the flow rate it also kills the algae.

Question: If my water has chloramine as an alternative to chlorine additive, do I have to add dechlor as well as adding something to counteract the extra ammonia in my pond water?

Answer: Great Question - Dechlor should be added to water with chlorine or chloramine- If you are adding a large amount of new water, with chloramine, you should add a product that removes both chlorine and chloramine to make the ammonia non-toxic.

Question: There are so many different opinions as to how to quarantine new Koi- Everyone has a list of what chemicals have to be added to the quarantine tank, raising and lowing the temperature, etc- What is the minimum you suggest for a newbie?

Answer: Minimum for a quarantine tank- Mature filter, treated water(dechlor), raise the water temp slowly to 70°F from the water temperature to allow the Koi to safely acclimate-Their should be at least two Koi in quarantine tank simultaneously -Clean water is the primary concern in quarantine tank-Tank should always have a cover to prevent Koi from jumping out.


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